Ocean Startup Resource Bank

If you are building an ocean tech startup in Canada, you’ll want to bookmark this page. This is a growing resource bank tailored to the support that early stage ocean tech startups in Canada can leverage. Some resources may be specific to a province or region within Canada, so be sure to determine eligibility.

Key Resources

  • Upcoming

    Events, conferences, webinars, deadlines and more

  • Non-Dilutive Funding

    Explore non-dilutive funding programs for early stage teams

  • Dilutive Funding

    Relevant investors across Canada and the world

  • Support Organizations

    Organizations that will help fuel your growth

Most Leveraged Resources for early stage ocean founders

These are the most used resources by early stage ocean tech teams. Research them to determine if they are a good fit for you, your startup and stage of development.

Contact us.

Have any questions about this resource bank? Looking to add resources that could be handy to other founders? Send us a note by email, or by completing the form.